Inertia (Defined): A property of matter by which it remains at rest or in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force
Entropy (Defined): A measure of disorder of a system, ie the higher the disorder, the higher the entropy value.
Why do I blog about things that we learned in 7th grade science? Because in my humble opinion, they can be used to describe Christians.
Homeostasis can be used to describe a group of people that are content in staying the same. If we as Christians are just content to stay the same, nothing will ever change. If we are to grow as people, as Christians, as a church, we must be willing to push forward and become relevant to outsiders. If we don't and we accept the status quo we will keep doing things the same way forever. If we do the same things over and over and expect different results.....(insert word that this describes here)
Inertia applies to both bodies in motion and those at rest. It states that until an outside force acts upon a body at rest (in this case Christians), it will stay at rest. Outside force, to me is a relative term...because we speak about a group of people, I would think that if enough force were gathered from the inside motion could begin as well. But, to move a body as big as the Chrisian collective, it will takee a lot of bodies moving in the same direction to start the motion. Every person that takes even a step in the direction of change will help the momentum.
Entropic values can be assigned to anything. For example, if a person who normally keeps their bedroom neat and tidy lets it go for a month, the entropic value would be higher at the end of the month than at the beginning. Entropy grows in any system or group that has multiple parts. A group with low entropic values is more efficient and effective. Point being, getting and keeping everyone on the same is imperative to having the Christian community functioning smoothly. This allows us to be more active in our community and therefore make a bigger difference in our world.
Take this little spin how you will...but please think about it, apply it to your life and step out. Step up. Make a difference.
"We need to be the change we wish to see in the world."
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Bring it.
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