Tuesday, January 20, 2009

To President Obama:

This will be a quick post, but I need to get going on my new years (now new 11 month) resolution.
Today was a historic day for all Americans. Today Barack Hussien Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. Whatever your political affiliation or personal opinions this is a huge for America, for all Americans.

That being said, today someone asked me what I would say if I were to write a letter to our new President. Keep in mind that I won't write this letter for many reasons: I'm lazy or I'm too busy or I'm too chicken or blah..blah.. Anyways. If I were to write one it would go something like this:

Dear President Obama:

I pray that you are the person and become the President that your supporters believe you to be. I, like many Americans hope that you hold to your word and transcend the political walls. The word "change" can represent many things: hope or advancement, or failure or take your pick of so many words. As you take on the mantel of the Presidency, arguably the single-most powerful position on this Earth, I hope that you remember what you represent to us as an American people as you make the decisions that you will have to make. For the past two weeks I have prayed for you, I have prayed for the United States and I look forward to the promise that you represent for the next four years. Today you became the leader of the free world and pretty, well-spoken words will take a back seat to your actions. I hope that you seek God when you are set with tough decision, as those decisions impact us all. I pray that at the end of your term you can in good consciousness look back and see your "Yes we can!" slogan turn into "Yes, we did!".
I will do my best to support you, to not bash you. I promise to yell at the top of my lungs when I disagree, but you are now my President and I wish you the best of success. I did not vote for you, but I will pray for you to make the correct, righteous decisions that will drive this country forward. I sincerely pray that you change my opinion of you and that you do right with your power.



a said...

I feel the same. Great Post.

Doug Havenford said...

Good post my friend. you have the strength to see good in Obama, I like that. I don't think I can though. But we'll see either way. Maybe he will change my opinion.

Katie said...

I thought I was on board with giving him a fair chance... However he has made detrimental, devistating, and down right evil decisions in his first 48 hours. Will he be able to redeem himself?? I really dont think he cares to.

Doug Havenford said...

Every time I turned on the T.V. and even heard the name "Obama" I changed the channel so I'm a little lost on whats been going on since 'Mr. President' was inaugurated. Would anyone like to fill me in?