For the past 2.5 years, I have rarely taken a moment to breathe. Between school, work, spending time with KT and working with the youth my time has been taken...even before I could schedule something...This weekend has been the first time that I have forced myself to do, well, nothing. It is hard. I take after my father in that respect...always moving.
I am actually appreciative of doing nothing for a day or two. I feel that it has given me perspective on two things (a lot more really, but two things come to mind right now).
First, it gives me perspective on perspective. Funny huh. People tend to get busy. As we get busier, it becomes normal. We tend to just pile more stuff on and accept it as our normal pace. In terms of motion, it actually has a name.
A verb meaning to become "speed blind". After traveling at what initially feels like high speed for a while (typically in a car), your brain become accustomed to how fast everything rushes past, so that it no longer looks fast. This leads you to subconsciously underestimate your speed. When you slow down to "normal" speed, it feels like you're barely moving.
How fast are you moving?
Who knows what Exodus 20:8-11 says? It's the 4th commandment. Care to take a stab? It comes before Thou shall not murder, adultery, steal...
It is To remember the Sabbath. To take a rest, to do no work.
(I think that there is a provision for those in ministry that they can substitute another day, unspoken of course :-D ).
We forget about this one, but God found it to be so important, He put it right after Himself, before He talked about how to deal with other people. Mind you, the 10 Commandments are more for our good than His, if this commandment is second only to God, He must see it as an important thing.
Take a day off. Enjoy it. In today's world, unplugging is tough, near impossible, but ENTIRELY NEEDED.
Smell the roses...Ferris Bueller had some pretty good wisdom, granted God came up with it first.
The second thing that I realized, is that I don't like sitting around. I am happiest when I am moving...just maybe not that fast. I think that in their heart of hearts, everyone wants to be leave an impression.
People talk of legacies, about leaving behind an imprint...a foot print, a hand print, a way for the world to remember them by. I don't know if I am content with that.
People talk of what they can leave their family, what stuff they can impart to their loved ones...problem is that whether they know it or not, it's not their stuff to begin with...It's His. Don't agree? Deal with it. You will figure it out sooner or later...but I digress..
I think that more important treasures are what we can impart to others...our knowledge, skills and findings from this life...
Give your time. Give your support. Give. Just give.
I have found through my time serving that I tend to learn just as much, if not more than those that I teach....
Anyways, this is long winded and I am leaving it half finished. I will write more to finish the second half of what I have in this balding bobble-head...