Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Winter Commute in Chicagoland

Why is it that every time the weather takes a turn for the worse most people in a SUV decide that they should be a NASCAR driver?  Seriously.  My commute usually takes me 30-45 minutes.  Today, it was more like an hour.  Altogether, not TOO bad but here are the totals for what I saw:

2 horrid pile ups
1 overturned vehicle
2 vehicles in a ditch

Now the IDOT minutemen were on the scene and doing a great job.  Each of the pile-ups contained a SUV, the upside down vehicle was a SUV, the 2 in the ditch?  Yeppers, you guessed it...a Ford Explorer, which is....HEY, a SUV.  Are you seeing a pattern yet?  Oh....I forgot the Escalade that was buried in the back of the semi truck on Highland Ave. in Lombard.  On a higher note, I pray that no one was hurt.  With the exception of the overturned SUV, each looked to be just a fender bender. 

Okay. now...for a little lesson in English: "Four Wheel Drive does NOT mean "I stop a lot faster than anyone else."

To SUV drivers everywhere: The reason that people are going a bit slower is because they can't stop as fast (this is something for you to note). Not because we can't go as fast as you.  That shiny stuff on the road is NOT a diamond littered pathway for your gas guzzling beast, it's called ice.

Okay....I am done.  Can you tell that this morning's commute tried my patience?  I did good though, I stayed calm and collected the entire time.  I am normally a very patient person, but highway driving usually puts me through my paces.  Anybody out there have a particular situation or something that 9 times outta 10 will make you scream in frustration?



Katie said...

Apparently I fall into a category of idiots because of the car I drive... don't forget you helped me pay for that Gas Guzzling beast! Tee Hee.... I don't drive like a jerk though... more like Magoo. :)

Mike Stenglein said...

note the "most people in a SUV" contained in the first sentence.....but, since you brought it up...yes. You do drive like Magoo. :-P

Erik Scottberg said...

mike, if only everyone drove as well as you and i do. then the world would be a better place.

i get quite annoyed when people drive too ridiculously slow. i understand having caution, but 10-15 miles under the speed limit on a road with little to no snow is just obnoxious.

Samantha said...

I'm not sure who you're talking about...but I agree with Erik.

Typically, the people that Jim and I saw on the road were going ABOUT 3 mph - which is pathetic. I'm assuming that if you're driving on an expressway, that you've driven in Chicago and Chicago weather before. The speed limit is not your enemy.

When driving behind overly cautious people, I find that my temperature rises and that they have now created a bigger problem on the road due to their slowness: my boiling road rage. In fact, they are going slow enough that I could possibly get out of my car, run to their car window and politely inform them that they are driving me BONKERS!

Ah...but another mission for another day...

Bethany Patrice said...

I heard you are sick! It must be your crazy driving! I hope you feel better.

aM <3 said...

ok i just have to say something to Pastor Erik's comment.
"if only everyone drove as well as you and i do. then the world would be a better place."
have you ever been in the bus while pastor erik drives?? or van, or any moving vehicle. he is a CRAZY driver!! well not crazy he just likes to scares us all by driving into o i don't know WALLS or fences or on coming traffic. stuff like that. or like not pay attention to the road. lol