Monday, August 25, 2008

Slight Aversion to Math

Okay. I still don't like mathematics. I never liked it. I like APPLYING the math...physics...programming...everyday problem solving. But I guess I don't like learning it. I really dislike the cramp that my brain gets.
Learning kinda goes hand-in-hand with the knowing.
Okay...'fess up...what was your least favorite/worst subject in school? Don't be family will rattle off a long list of subjects I was horrid at. What are your least favorite things that you have to do every day?

1 comment:

Tayg said...

what was your least favorite/worst subject in school?

Chemistry and Geometry in high school.. in college its Stats and Accounting by far.

What are your least favorite things that you have to do every day?

Go to work ;p