Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Social Blog Experiment Number 1

Okay. Here is the deal: The next few days, each post will ask a question, for each question please post a simple ONE word answer. Use the word that best answers that question. Although THERE ARE NO WRONG ANSWERS, I will enable anonymous posts to hopefully encourage everyone to put in their 2¢. Please take time to think about it for a while before answering. When you answer, please try to scroll past everyone else's responses until AFTER you post your own.

Hopefully everyone will enjoy and be enriched by both the questions and the answers. The more that answer, the more intersting this will be.

Question Number One:

What is the opposite of love?


Katie said...

If I could only choose one word it would be apathy. Simply not caring at all. I would not choose hate or anger as opposite to love because all three emotions require some sort of passion. Apathy is the absence of any passion whatsoever.

Erik Scottberg said...


Tayg said...


Anonymous said...


Bethany Patrice said...

Erik and I were meant for each other...selfishness was my word too.

Monst3rjoe said...

I don't think there's anything that's completely 100% the opposite of love. The power of true love is just that perfect. We know what these single words are, but we'll never completely understand love, and that is why tis so great.

Monst3rjoe said...

sorry for that lame response. I broke the 1 word rule at least 30 times.

Katie said...

I broke the rule too Joe... I just hid my word amongst many others hahaha

AnneJuliet said...
