Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Japanese culture

I find other cultures very interesting. I think there is a lot, as Americans that we can learn from others. This post on Japanese Culture peaked my interest(plz take 10 second to click the link and skim the article).

Okay. Now that you read did read it right? Okay, now that you read it, think about how their customs differ from ours here in America. The whole bathing kinda made me cringe...but out of that whole article, the one thing that really stuck with me was the Japanese people's insistence on using English.
Using what they have learned. Applying their knowledge to the world around them.

Do I do that enough? Do you? I think that it is very important that we apply what we learn to our everyday life. Otherwise, it is just a bunch of facts in our heads, right?
Use it or lose it, just don't abuse it. (I forget where that is from)
What piece of information are you going to pass along today?
It may be insignificant to you, but that little bit of info could change someone Else's life.

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