Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What can you do today?

What can you do today that will not only improve YOUR life, but someone else's as well? What can you do to change your world, the world around you or someone else's?
Before you reply, think about it for a minute. Furthering our world and God's kingdom doesn't always mean that you have to move mountains. Sometimes just simply smiling at the right time can start a shockwave through hundreds of lives.
So, now that you know that you don't have to perform some huge task...I ask again:
What can you do to change your world today? Not tomorrow. Today. More pointedly, what are you willing to do? Or really, maybe I should ask: What WILL you do?

"The right word at the right time is the difference between lightning and a harmless lightning bug."
-Mark Twain (paraphrased by James Buffet)

Bring it.

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