Thursday, June 26, 2008


Being a salaried employee has it's upsides vs. being hourly. But for IT people it is usually very detrimental. IT usually have odd, very long hours. Being the force that keeps the informational veins of a company going...we usually have brutal wake up calls in the middle of the night...then on to the regular hours during the day. Usually with no break at all. My new company, more importantly, my new boss changes that. I am uneasy about it really...a bit too much for me to process.
Over the past ten years, I have seen all ends of the job spectrum. I have had the 120 hour work weeks, barely able to stand at the end. I have had the jobs where my employer can barely keep me busy for forty...but mainly it has been long hours. Lots of them.
But today my new boss told me the words that I have been fighting to hear for a very long time: "There is more to life than this job."
I almost cried.
I pray for Jesus to guide me so that I may be an asset to my new company, so that I can carve out the time for those other things. To further God, to be able to spend time with my family.

I really don't know what to say.
Thank you is about all I can muster right now.

1 comment:

Katie said...

AMEN! ... for me... wink... also... hopefully he won't mind that the electric company is not very flexible... I called 3 times... grrr... still hot about it!