Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Losing a Part of Yourself

If you had to give a part of you away in order to be accepted, what would it be?
Would it be a hand? A foot?
Jesus loves us no matter what. This we know. Or should.
But sometimes, in order for us to make room for God, we need to get rid of things.
Spring Cleaning if you will. There are parts of us, as humans that hold us back from God. Ill will towards others. Lies. Vices.
What holds you back? In truth, most of the time, it is ourselves.
You see, even though God is always there, sometimes we hold ourselves back from God. Maybe it is the fear of being ostracized at work or school...or even our own family or church.
Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is facing our own fears. Taking a step forward instead of back. Maybe it is being unsure of ourselves. Sometimes it is hard for us to comprehend God's love. The fact that there are no consequences to it. he loves us. No hooks, snags or hidden agendas. Jesus accepts us, as broken as we are.

So, back to the question:
What would you give up to be accepted? Did you answer with a body part? Thankfully, Jesus doesn't require us to amputate anything. In fact He only asks that we love Him. Getting rid of the stuff in between Him and us is up to us. Yes He helps, but we need to get rid of the junk in order to make room for Him.
What things do you need to throw out?

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