Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ice is Nice

This is my all time favorite gum. No other really compares. I have gotten used to always having it around. But what would happen if they quit making it (sniff. I miss Surge soda. google it). What is your favorite, can't live without treat? What would you do if your favorite consumable item were no longer available? Would you have to replace it? Or would you just make do without it? How would you cope?


a said...

Anything with almonds

Katie said...

You know I often ponder why they EVER changed the formula of good 'n' plenty... why did they take the red licorious (okay I can't spell) out and put jelly bean stuff in the middle... it's probably been 18 years... but it still bothers me It was my favorite candy... also... what happened to the best gum ever Hubba Bubba Blueberry. 2 very sad events in my life.