Monday, July 21, 2008

This Garage is CLEAN!

It took about three and a half hours, but the garage is now tidy, which is not CLEAN but I for one feel much better about it not being a harbor for nasty arachnids. (I think that some of my unease comes from flashbacks of arachnophobia the movie)
Anyways, to find out a bit more about the Brown Reluse Spider CLICK HERE

I was going to post a picture of my tractor ditch from Saturday, but I lost motivation to do anything except jump in the pool after sweating in the garage for those few hours.

I will post more tomorrow after I finish Java..

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hmmm... I hate to call you on it... but it was 2 hrs and 15 mins... it did feel like a long time though... out in the heat freaking out about every box opened and corner uncovered... feels food to have it organized ... as much as it can be for now!